Title: Light & Dark - The Awakening of the Mageknight
Author: Daniel M. Fife
Paperback: 312 pages
Genre: YA - fiction
Publisher: Daniel M. Fife
My score on goodreads: 5 stars
Not really certain about what to expect, I started reading "Light and Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight" by Daniel M. Fife. A few hours later I was already hooked and couldn't stop reading this intriguing YA novel about magic, dragons, knights, a school everybody wants to go to (if they dare) and recognizable characters.
Daniel M. Fife did a great job in describing the life of a common thirteen-year-old boy, Danny Firoth (yup, I think Daniel based the name of the main character upon his own name and told us the story about the boy he was in his dreams during childhood years). Danny deals with a very normal life and is not always happy about that. Normal life includes school, a loving but sometimes annoying mother, the girl he thinks he can’t have as a girlfriend and some bullies. This rather quiet life changes abruptly when Danny discovers some strange powers he seems to have. Is he dreaming? Is he mixing up reality with the card game he likes to play: Knights?
Danny and his friends discover this game, Knights, is a lot more than just a card game where you need to defeat the others with the figures on you cards. The game contains three “camps”, Light-Gray-Dark, with fantasy creatures. The purpose is to defeat the other players with the creatures on your cards (and the abilities/weapons they have). The boys discover that this ‘game’ exists in reality, that they can be part of it and that losing from the opponent isn’t that innocent in the real world of Light-Gray-Dark… The biggest surprise for Danny isn’t the fact that he owns mysterious powers but the fact that Sabrina, the girl he really likes, knew about these things and this parallel world all along. She’s the one that takes Danny and his friends to the White Rock Academy of Illumination, a school where many more things are about to be discovered! (And I’m not going to spoil it for you… You have to read it yourself!)
Although I’m usually not into fantasy, I must admit a really liked this book! After two pages I needed to know what happened further and I kept on reading. “Light and Dark” is a book that can be turned into a movie without real problems. The author is good in describing things integral (what I appreciate in a book for YA because it gives them a lot of freedom to imagine their own world, but at the same time gives them a foothold) and gives us a story that’s already like a movie in our head with great special effects. Also the book has the ability to have successors. I think lots of readers will be waiting the sequel with impatience ;)
If you want to learn something more about the author, please visit these pages:
- http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6443456.Daniel_M_Fife
- https://www.facebook.com/Light.Dark.Series
Paperback: 312 pages
Genre: YA - fiction
Publisher: Daniel M. Fife
My score on goodreads: 5 stars
Not really certain about what to expect, I started reading "Light and Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight" by Daniel M. Fife. A few hours later I was already hooked and couldn't stop reading this intriguing YA novel about magic, dragons, knights, a school everybody wants to go to (if they dare) and recognizable characters.
Daniel M. Fife did a great job in describing the life of a common thirteen-year-old boy, Danny Firoth (yup, I think Daniel based the name of the main character upon his own name and told us the story about the boy he was in his dreams during childhood years). Danny deals with a very normal life and is not always happy about that. Normal life includes school, a loving but sometimes annoying mother, the girl he thinks he can’t have as a girlfriend and some bullies. This rather quiet life changes abruptly when Danny discovers some strange powers he seems to have. Is he dreaming? Is he mixing up reality with the card game he likes to play: Knights?
Danny and his friends discover this game, Knights, is a lot more than just a card game where you need to defeat the others with the figures on you cards. The game contains three “camps”, Light-Gray-Dark, with fantasy creatures. The purpose is to defeat the other players with the creatures on your cards (and the abilities/weapons they have). The boys discover that this ‘game’ exists in reality, that they can be part of it and that losing from the opponent isn’t that innocent in the real world of Light-Gray-Dark… The biggest surprise for Danny isn’t the fact that he owns mysterious powers but the fact that Sabrina, the girl he really likes, knew about these things and this parallel world all along. She’s the one that takes Danny and his friends to the White Rock Academy of Illumination, a school where many more things are about to be discovered! (And I’m not going to spoil it for you… You have to read it yourself!)
Although I’m usually not into fantasy, I must admit a really liked this book! After two pages I needed to know what happened further and I kept on reading. “Light and Dark” is a book that can be turned into a movie without real problems. The author is good in describing things integral (what I appreciate in a book for YA because it gives them a lot of freedom to imagine their own world, but at the same time gives them a foothold) and gives us a story that’s already like a movie in our head with great special effects. Also the book has the ability to have successors. I think lots of readers will be waiting the sequel with impatience ;)
If you want to learn something more about the author, please visit these pages:
- http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6443456.Daniel_M_Fife
- https://www.facebook.com/Light.Dark.Series