woensdag 17 juli 2013

Books, books and more books

A little while ago I visited the "Boekenfestijn" at Ghent. A place where it's possible to go in with only €10 and come out with 10 books. Unbelievable how cheap books can be, especially when you know this aren't used books or strange books nobody wants. No! Here you can find the best classics for almost no money. No wonder I love this place! It's a pity this "Boekenfestijn" moves from town to town and even from country to country, so you can't visit it every week. Hmmm, maybe that is not sooo bad ;) I would have to build a bigger house to chelter all of my purchrases. To give you an idea of what I bought for only a little more than €40:

You see I don't buy Dutch books anymore. I don't know why exactly, but I'm starting to love English books a lot more than the ones in my mother tongue. Maybe it's because the English language has so much more depth... Don't know ;)
Of this pile, I only read "Adorkable" by Sarra Manning so far. You can find my review below this one :D
The rest will follow... 

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow this is really cool! Is the Boekenfestjin something that is always going on, just in different places? I'd be interested to know what you thought of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - I tried to read it but couldn't get into it. That was a long time ago though.

    1. Yes it always moves, but as far as I know it's only in Belgium and Holland (because they also have a lot of Dutch books). If you're ever in search for something, you can let me know. When I find it there, I'll send it to you ;)
      Will keep you updated on my thought on Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. My best friend was in love with that book and made me buy it :D

    2. Oh wow thank you! Actually I love collecting editions of Jane Eyre in different languages, so if you come across a cheap copy I would love to have it! But you must let me know if you are interested in certain editions of books here or maybe any autographed books you would like that I can send you?

      I look forward to your updates on what books you get at the Boekenfestjin when it comes around!

    3. So if I find a Dutch copy, you would like it? :D Owkee! Now I have a mission for next time it comes around! Yay!
      Thanks for the offer too ^^
      If you ever think about coming to Belgium, you can let me know ;) Maybe the Boekenfestijn is around somewhere :D

    4. Yay thank you!! Ooh definitely I will let you know when I visit Belgium! It would be nice to know someone who lives there. I guess I don't have to worry too much about learning the language? I see Belgium has 3 official languages - which one would you say is more wide spoken?

  2. I see you are a P&P fan..did you like the Lizzie Bennet diaries?

    1. I'm a huge fan :D but have to admit I did not yet read the Lizzie Bennet diaries :( good read?

  3. Nice blog! I'm following you know via Bloglovin' =)
