woensdag 3 juli 2013

Movie - Ruby Sparks

Ruby Sparks (2012) Poster  

As you all know, I'm a big lover of movies too. When I'm not reading, I'm watching movies or listening to music. Today I saw "Ruby Sparks", a 2012 movie with Paul Dano and Zoe Kazan, and I loved it! 

Author Calvin Weir-Fields has a bestseller on his name. Unfortunately his inspiration is lost at some point. He struggles to get something on paper, needs therapy and doesn't have friends except for his own brother. As part of his therapy Calvin needs to write something about a person he could meet in real life, a person who would like or dislike his dog Scotty. It doesn't matter what kind of story he writes or who it's about, but his therapist just wants to get him back to writing. Calvin doesn't feel the desire to write something again but at the same time he starts to get weird dreams about a wonderful girl, Ruby. It's a girl he totally makes up, he creates her... and he starts to write about her, doing what his therapist asked him to do. He writes about this dreamgirl and makes her a girl he would really like to meet in real life.
One day the unexpected happens and Calvin DOES meet this immaginative girl, Ruby Sparks. The girl he created stands in his living room and acts like she's been his girlfriend for a while. She looks exactly like he imagined her in his dreams and has the past/history he gave her. Not believing what he sees, Calvin thinks this is the moment where he's finally gone totally crazy. Strange thing is... all the people around Calvin also see his "girlfriend" and talk to her. She's real. He made her real without knowing it...

I really loved this story and wished there was a book upon which this story was based. Sadly there isn't one, or I haven't been looking good enough. This movie made me laugh out loud sometimes. Other times it made me sad. One thing stayed the same during the entire movie: I really didn't want the story to end (the story of the film, but also Calvin's story) and I wanted to know how it would all end. 
About that end I'm not going to say a thing. I think you should discover it for yourself and let me know what you thought about it! 


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ruby Sparks is based on 'Pygmalion' by George Bernard Shaw! :) Which was also remade into 'My Fair Lady" :)

  2. Ooooh, thank you for sharing this :D didn't know it and searched for a book with the title "Ruby Sparks" :p I'm an idiot! Yay :D now I can finally read it!
